The American bison is indigenous to Oklahoma and proudly listed as our official state animal. It is a symbol of who we are; strong, independent, and loyal. An interesting thing about the American bison is how the herd manages the heartland’s rough and tumble weather patterns. When a storm is developing on the horizon the strongest males of the herd will form a line out front, while the strongest females will form a circle around the young, weak, or frail. Then, together, as a collective unit, a team, and a family, they charge into the storm. The bison knows intrinsically how the adversity of the American West cannot be outrun. It must be overcome. The bison has survived because it knows in the core of its being it must face its problems head on. No one is here to do it for them. There is no cover or shelter in the chaos. The bison knows everyone has a very specific role and that success is connected to leaving no one behind.
Follow us. Into the storm.
Dr. David McLeod
Interim Director of the Anne & Henry Zarrow School of Social Work
Vision: We envision a world of shared power with equitable and inclusive communities committed to access, opportunity, and well-being.
Mission: We will transform our vision into reality by nurturing the growth of social workers, advancing the profession through innovative and collaborative research, and fostering intentional partnerships in the community. We are here to lead.
The Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work Program for Continuing Education seeks to provide high quality continuing education events to Oklahoma social workers. We have events on both the Norman and Tulsa campus as well as in Oklahoma City, and Online.
Registration links will be added to our calendar as they are available.